Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the top stories and links for the day…

Get Liam Goligher’s “The Jesus Gospel” for 70% OFF at Westminster Bookstore

Last chance to enter to win a genuine leather ESV Study Bible from Crossway and 20 Schemes

Get Russell Moore’s “Questions and Ethics” for FREE (use coupon code “questions” for discount)

National Religious Broadcasters force out WaterBrook-Multnomah Publishers over “Gay Christian” book

Youth ministers need to be theologians

The golden rules of biblical interpreration

Warren Buffett’s evil billion dollar legacy

8 Observations about preaching clearly

Zeal, striving, and biblical assurance

NCAA regulations prevent homeless college football player from receiving financial assistance from fans and boosters

“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself.” (Tim Keller)

“If we mitigate the harshness of God’s wrath, we will minimize the urgency of God’s mission.” (Thabiti Anyabwile)