Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the stories and links for the day…

Get Iain Duguid’s “Esther/Ruth” and “Daniel” (Reformed Expository Commentaries), and “Ezekiel” (NIV Application Commentary) for only $20 (73% OFF) at Westminster Bookstore

Get Richard Phillips’ “The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men” for up to 50% OFF from Westminster Bookstore

Get Timothy Witmer’s “The Shepherd Leader at Home: Knowing, Leading, Protecting, and Providing for Your Family” for up to 50% OFF from Westminster Bookstore

Get Kevin DeYoung’s “Crazy Busy” for just $3.99 for Amazon Kindle

Anthony Bradley on McDonald’s and the push for increasing the minimum wage

John Mark Reynolds on the commercialization of higher education

Hershael York on maintaining unity when doctrine can be divisive

Jeffrey Waddington on the three-legged stool of assurance of salvation

There is no such thing as a “pro-choice” Christian

“The afflictions of the church are always momentary, when we raise our eyes to its eternal happiness.” (John Calvin)

“In His tender mercies, God has an incredible capacity to love the unlovely.” (R.C. Sproul)

Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the top stories and links for the day…

Get Liam Goligher’s “The Jesus Gospel” for 70% OFF at Westminster Bookstore

Last chance to enter to win a genuine leather ESV Study Bible from Crossway and 20 Schemes

Get Russell Moore’s “Questions and Ethics” for FREE (use coupon code “questions” for discount)

National Religious Broadcasters force out WaterBrook-Multnomah Publishers over “Gay Christian” book

Youth ministers need to be theologians

The golden rules of biblical interpreration

Warren Buffett’s evil billion dollar legacy

8 Observations about preaching clearly

Zeal, striving, and biblical assurance

NCAA regulations prevent homeless college football player from receiving financial assistance from fans and boosters

“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself.” (Tim Keller)

“If we mitigate the harshness of God’s wrath, we will minimize the urgency of God’s mission.” (Thabiti Anyabwile)

Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the links, articles and videos of the day… enjoy!

Get Alan Cole’s commentary on Galatians (TNTC) for 50% OFF

Enter to win a stack of books and commentaries from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and 20Schemes

FREE video lectures on Pleasing God by R.C. Sproul

Child sacrifice with a smile

Michael Kruger reviews Bart Ehrman’s “How Jesus Became God”

Robert Briggs’ video lectures on Directives to Young Preachers

Robert Gagnon on the Bible and homosexuality.

J.I. Packer e-book sale at Crossway

Thabiti Anyabwile interviews a single African-American woman who has been serving in the 10/40 window for the past 15 years

“Christ did not die for any upon condition, if they do believe; but he died for all God’s elect, that they should believe, and believing have eternal life. Faith itself is among the principal effects and fruits of the death of Christ.” (John Owen)

“Cold prayers are as arrows without heads, as swords without edges, as birds without wings. They pierce not, they cut not, they fly not up to heaven. Cold prayers always freeze before they reach heaven.” (Thomas Brooks)

Please take some time to peruse the various pages on this site (Exegetical Theology, Systematic Theology, Pastoral Theology, etc.)—you’ll find book recommendations, FREE e-books, articles and more!

Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the links and such for the day:

Huge assortment of FREE apologetics e-books and online resources

Get John Owen’s “The Priesthood of Christ” for 70% OFF at Westminster Bookstore

The supreme importance of mentoring in leadership development

J.D. Hall corrects some common misconceptions of Legalism and Pharisaism

Mark Jones, author of “Antinomiamism,” challenges Tullian Tchividjian to a debate on Law/Gospel

Last chance to win 6 books from Practical Shepherding and 20Schemes

Get a FREE study guide for Sebastian Traeger and Greg Gilbert’s “The Gospel at Work”

Enter to win Nik Ripken’s “The Insanity of God”

Just 2 days left to win an embosser for your library/study from SBTS

Down Syndrome and the evil of abortion

“I would go into the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.” (Charles Spurgeon)

“As the rivers cannot rest till they pour themselves into the bosom of the sea, so neither can renewed souls find rest till they come into the bosom of God.” (John Flavel)

Please visit the rest of the site for articles, FREE e-books, and helpful resources. Check out the Apologetics Page and the Historical Theology page for starters.

Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the links and stories for the day:

Paul Tripp and Elyse Fitzpatrick discuss parenting with grace

Only 2 days left to enter to win a stack of books from Practical Shepherding and 20Schemes

Lane Tipton on J. Gresham Machen’s charge to train Systematic Theologians

10 types of Pastors that may be contributing to the church’s decline

Crowd-funding for movie about baby murderer Kermit Gosnel has succeeded

39 FREE resources for missions in 10 different languages

Evangelical brothers’ home improvement/charity makeover show cancelled by HGTV—rumors of discrimination against Christian values

Hip Hop group Beautiful Eulogy uses Logos Bible Software to assist in writing lyrics

Happy birthday to J.C. Ryle

Two anonymous Columbus, OH students create amazing covert chalk art

“The minute a professing Christian admits that he can find neutral ground with non-Christians in the study of ‘religion’ in general, he has given up the battle and has made common cause with that syncretism which is today, as it was in the first century, the deadliest enemy of the Christian Faith.” (J. Gresham Machen)

“If you and sin are friends, you and God are not reconciled.” (J.C. Ryle)

Please take some time to browse other pages (you will find these located in the tabs above). There are a number of articles, book recommendations, and even some e-books. I recommend taking a look at the Systematic Theology page or the Biblical Theology page. Enjoy!

Notable & Newsworthy

Here are the headlines and links for today:

Albert Mohler on the infanticidal culture of death and a recent viral abortion video

Carl Trueman on miserable Christians and the place of lament in worship

Andy Naselli gives some helpful advice for preachers

Kevin DeYoung on facilitating a prayer meeting/service

Zack Eskwine’s “Recovering Eden: The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes” is only $5 for a limited time

Teacher impedes upon student’s right to read his Bible during free time at school

The Works of Charles Simeon are available to read online at Theology on the Web

The SBC International Missions Board has a lot of FREE missions resources at their site

Steve Weaver wants to help you get “The Reformed Theology of Benjamin Keach”

Kenneth Gentry is selling the 5-Volume Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible for $50

Please browse the various pages on this site (you’ll see tabs at the top of this page) for more information. You’ll find book recommendations and articles on subjects like Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, Apologetics, and more!

When Life is Reduced to a Choice


“Ever since the Supreme Court decided against the unborn, abortion as a medical practice has been widely accepted in American society. But does the legalization of abortion in the eyes of the government make it right in the sight of God? To answer this question, one must begin by determining God’s view of the human fetus. Does He consider the fetus a person or mere protoplasm? If the Bible fails to grant personhood to the unborn fetus, then perhaps the premature extermination of such life is morally inconsequential. But, if God’s Word demonstrates that the unborn fetus is indeed a person, then abortion is nothing less than murder (Gen. 9:6; Ex. 20:13).

A number of Bible passages make it clear that God regards conception as the moment at which personhood begins. Job 10:8–12 and 31:13–15, for example, attribute divine value and human qualities. Psalm 139:13–16 similarly exalts God for His creative work in the fashioning of the unborn baby. Isaiah 49:1–5, Jeremiah 1:4–5, and Galatians 1:15–16 all note that God can work in the lives of His chosen servants even before they are born. Furthermore, Luke 1:41–45 documents the emotional joy of the unborn John the Baptist when Mary visited Elizabeth. And Psalm 51:5 points to conception as the beginning of a person’s sinful nature. None of these things would be possible if personhood did not come until after birth.

In some passages, the Bible speaks of an unborn child in the same way that it does of those who have been born—thereby showing that God views them both the same way. For example, in Exodus 21:4 and 21:22 the same Hebrew word translated ‘child’ or ‘children’ is used, despite the fact that verse 4 refers to a postnatal child while verse 21 refers to an unborn life. The New Testament also uses the same Greek word for life before birth (Luke 1:41, 44) as it does for life outside the womb (Acts 7:19). It is not surprising, therefore, to learn that the unborn are often described in the same ways as those who are born (Gen. 25:22–23; Job 31:15; Isa.44:2; Hos. 12:3). For that matter, the prophet Jeremiah notes that had his death been prenatal, the womb would have been his grave (Jer. 20:17); and the prebirth death of one of God’s prophets cannot be equated with the death of a nonperson.

Scripture further espouses the fact that all human persons are the offspring of other human persons. After all, Genesis 1:24–25 decisively mandates that each ‘kind’ within creation is to reproduce solely after its own ‘kind.’ The procreation of existing human persons, therefore, is limited solely to the generation of new human persons. In other words, via the reproductive process, it is impossible for existing persons to even produce a nonperson.

God’s image in man (see Gen. 1:26; James 3:9) is particularly attacked by abortion. After all, abortion not only destroys the image of God in the fetus by killing the baby, but also disregards God’s command to multiply His image in future generations by terminating the reproductive process. In the end, because the fetus results from two persons, each made in the image of God, Scripture indicates that he or she is also a person found in God’s image.

The Bible overwhelmingly argues for the personhood of the prenatal fetus, while simultaneously denouncing the horrible murder of unborn humans (cf. Ex. 21:22–23). When all the facts are in, abortion may have been legalized by the Supreme Court, but it cannot be viewed as anything less than a direct assault on the moral law of God.” (Bill Shannon)

For more in this subject, please visit the following sites:


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